This article is about Allies. It talks about what other people can do to contribute in helping people gain more self esteem and confidence. This means typically someone opposites from you weather its from race, gender, or a comment you might have made in front of a group of friends. In one of my classes we talked about someones"Face" which is your own image of yourself. its who you think you are. This connects to the article because depending weather or not someone is with you or against you is can have a negative or positive effect on your face. This Blog is a reflection blog because I remember remember I went into a grocery store to grab a few snacks while searching for snacks the manager kept watching me. Unaware of the situation a White male confronted the stores manager as to why he's keeping an eye on me when he could have had the opportunity to steal something as well. The store clerk had nothing much to say but sorry because he knew he was in a situation where he enacted a racist move and the white male was considered and ally. This connects to the article because the white privileged male was sticking up for an African American and he didnt even know me
Friday, December 4, 2015
This article is about Allies. It talks about what other people can do to contribute in helping people gain more self esteem and confidence. This means typically someone opposites from you weather its from race, gender, or a comment you might have made in front of a group of friends. In one of my classes we talked about someones"Face" which is your own image of yourself. its who you think you are. This connects to the article because depending weather or not someone is with you or against you is can have a negative or positive effect on your face. This Blog is a reflection blog because I remember remember I went into a grocery store to grab a few snacks while searching for snacks the manager kept watching me. Unaware of the situation a White male confronted the stores manager as to why he's keeping an eye on me when he could have had the opportunity to steal something as well. The store clerk had nothing much to say but sorry because he knew he was in a situation where he enacted a racist move and the white male was considered and ally. This connects to the article because the white privileged male was sticking up for an African American and he didnt even know me
Friday, November 20, 2015
petcha kucha

A quick summary of my story that i want my pecha kucha is A city where men took control of all
operations, decisions and rights, women had no say. They lived lives where they
would be given a husband to wed. Women were in competition with themseleves to see who was the prettiest and
best shaped to “score” the richest husband. Their are two lovers Johnny and julianna they meet at a young age and throughout their time growing up together johnny views the different lives they live as well as julianna telling him stories and sharing memories on how her mom and him self lived . Julianna is a non wealthy girl who soon grows up to become a smart educated women but seeing johnny started to become a problem to the The law is enforced by the police
enforcement and the SCWAAMP team
A law enforcement that enforces male
Privilege & everything within the Americas systemic institution that allows
women and lgbt no rights to anything separates the two because of their constant time spending together. Johnny then feels aggression and starts to hate the society he lives in. Sufferagette the movie.....
The movie Showed in Detail how women were treated in work environments and how their pay was far less then the males. the women made 13 shillings a week while the men made 19. Daughters didn't really have a great childhood because they were working along side their mothers. Men had complete custody of the children after the divorce. What was crazy in the movie was that the father divorced the mother for being harassed by the law enforcement. Later on giving the son away for adoption. This actually happened women had no rights over their kids and men worked to many hours a day to be a proper care giver for the child and see it as a burden so gives the child up for adoption. In attempts to gain their right to vote they blew up mail boxes around the town including the ministers house. I could barely open my eyes for the scene where the suffragist were brought into jail and starved themselves. Doing this the prison had to take drastic measures and had to perform force feeding which is very dangerous and harmful for the body.
Unfortunately the ending of the movie was sad but unfortunately their goal to be on media to show how they are treated and endorse women right to vote."In early 20th-century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working wife and mother Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan). Galvanized by political activist Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep), Watts joins a diverse group of women who fight for equality and the right to vote. Faced with increasing police action, Maud and her dedicated suffragettes must play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse, risking their jobs, homes, family and lives for a just cause."
Two course themes that would connect to this event would be "People Like Us" by Nicholas Krisoff that talks about how America has the assumption to being "The land of the free", but not so free. America was Always looked at as an escape for a new life a place where freedom existed, where you can have birth to children in the U.S creating a citizen giving your child as much freedom as everyone else. Connects to this film and I felt like it should be added to this because the unfair wages women were given compared to men. Also showed in the movie were signs of Royalty. Where the King of Britain was looked upon and cherished. The women's goal were to get his attention so he can support their rebellion.
Have you ever watched a film related to a topic like this? If so what was it.
Monday, November 16, 2015
What is sex positivity? & Sex wars by Ann Furgason
Both these articles have different incites and ideas on how sex should be looked upon. "what is sex positivity is about looking at sex as a positive idea. Its part of human nature and used to develop a understanding of gender,"As a broad ideology and world view, sex positivity is simply the idea
that all sex, as long as it is healthy and explicitly consensual, is a
positive thing. WGAC uses sex positivity within our programming about
consent because it allows for a more nuanced understanding of how gender
socialization, patriarchy and sexism have an impact on sexual violence" the quote states that's sex is beneficial to understanding ones nature. Compared to the other article self proclaimed anti-pornography feminists who find a home within sex positivity who believe,"
Radical feminists tend to condemn sadomasochism, cruise
pornography,prostitution, (promiscuous sex with strangers),adult/child sexual relations,and
sexual role playing(e.g.,butch/femme relationships). They reject such practices because of implicit and explicit analyses that tie dominant/sub-
ordinate power". I don't quite agree on the topic of discussion in the article. I view it as too extreme to view sex as male dominant if it takes two people to consent to it. Consent gives someone to give the "opportunity to to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield (often followed by to or an infinitive)" If i had to side with one or the other I would side the sex positivity. Sex is a choice between partners it is a intellectual and meaningful process and shouldn't be descriptive as something negative or be second guessed to why people do it in general.
What article would you side with and why ?
Monday, November 9, 2015
Tough Guy 2
It came to my attention that ,and haven't noticed since my early age viewing television action movies that consisted in violent themes always had to do with a male. Now its being brought up to me as mens violence because it then goes back to the article by Kimmel where she stated how men are most likely to contribute in violence. Not only is it encouraged to embrace your man hood, media even supports it in many genres including action based themed where most likely the male is the protagonist fighting against the villain who is most likely also a male. Yes we view this as entertainment but many try to imitate what they see on film and try to make it reality. The chances of a male part taking in the violence is high. The film states that theirs a 86% rate armed robberies and 77% aggravated assaults caused by male and 90% of murder and many more. Now we have to worry about what are children watch on tv because chances are they would want to relive the experience.
Another thing that was interesting and never really thought through was gender isn't usually acknowledge when committing a crime and getting a trouble. Theirs always a discreet label. the article mention if a boy committed a crime it would be acknowledged as a kid killing some not the gender. When women commit a crime their gender becomes a story rather then the story itself forgetting the gender role. As well as race of color when an African American or Latino commits a crime their race is the more of an issue rather then the crime. When the issue is brought under its more so about gender then their genes. Men are in a pressured society where they are expected to embrace their manhood which consist in aggression and violence. We are blinded from the cultural role in violence.We blame video games and media and even the guns we give out. We don't mention the cause and the gender. Male promotes the culture and "what it really means to be a man" , a "boy code" , where you don't discourse your feelings and show it with aggression and avoidance. We see this a lot in movies and video games which have violence. We also created the word "tough guy", to block feminine ideals and characteristics of a female and en store manhood. Coming with the tough guy role are the rules where you should know what to do as a man which is how to not be scared, don't cry and and be dominant. Anywhere outside your man hood labels you "unmanly". This can cause a man to try to gain his respect and pride through competition, any means possible to be looked at as a dominant man.
Over all this relates to the Kimmel Article because it talks about how many are pressured in society to embrace a identity an act a certain way that doesn't disclose your feelings with other man. Issues of men and masculinity feminist is a issue because we are in a society where where women are depicted only by their gender not their actions. While men are encouraged to violent aggression and physical force but nothing about their gender is mention when some crime occurs.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
"What are Little Boys Made Of?" By Kimmel
This Article is the topic we're covering in Gender Culture class. It is written by Kimmel and is about boys vs America. I can relate this to my other class because we are discussing the exceptions and pressures that men and women have in our society. We look at what we expect gender to perform in academics, sport, and even what we teach them. Kimmel mentions in the article that as well as women men are pressed drastically in our society, "Four to five times likely for suicidal attempts. men are four times more likely to be diagnosed as emotionally disturbed. They are Three times more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder." I could agree that a school system is designed for a more female hood reasoning for why males tend to have a lesser performance then females. Females comprise 57% of undergrad & 59% graduated enrolled. Before women did not not excel in math and sciences but you see today that statistics are changing. A school setting is having boys to accept their emotion, high level activity, speaking their language, and using discipline to guide and build manhood.
A interesting fact i learned from my other class and can relate to this article. School is made to in a setting which creates man to behave in a female based setting, but education about feminist research is not taught as much as males success. Such as leaders, major wars, painters. Students are taught About the renaissance but information that talks about the reducing opportunities they had for women. Or lessons on the enlightenment where women were considered inferior and most importantly the industrial revolution where relationships between husband and wives changed because of work. Men felt as if they were the bread winner pressured that and American mans job is to care for and be the bread winner for the wife and kids.
What does this picture show you?
Do you feel that your parents pressure you to fit your gender role in a school based setting?
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Unslut film {Social justice event}

The event showed a film that discusses those comments constituted both slut shaming and sexual bullying, the film also mentioned teen girls who took their own lives after being sexually assaulted and slut-shamed by their peers, she knew she had to do something. It was interesting to me because I didn't know women would take their own lives for being called a name. It isn't fair that women are created a "face" because of their style, shape, or size. For example I can only image a teenage girl living her four years of high school being called a provocative name for what she on one certain day. Rumors start to spread that aren't true and before you know it it gets out to the public world and everyone is calling you that. The film could provide some perspectives to girls who currently feel trapped and ashamed. To be slut shamed, one doesn’t have to be actually engaging in any kind of sexual behavior. "slut shaming" is just something feminists came up with to shame people who shamed promiscuous women,"deliberate act of calling a woman a slut, a whore or impugning her character in sexual terms in order to embarrass, humiliate, intimidate, degrade or shame her for actions or behaviors that are a normal part of female sexuality."
Two Themes This would connect to that we discussed about in class would be Generation M and "What is Sex Positivity". it connects to Generation M an article by Dr. Thomas Keith he discusses that as of today media shows sexism ,"prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex", as a trend around the world using stereotypes that doesn't really describe the gender role. For example if you sat down and watched TV you scanned through the channels and seen a music video and or seen your football and the cheer leaders are skinny,thin, less cloths as usual. What this causes is some women who don't carry those traits to have self-doubt or feel some sort of jealously to become what they are. Amber Rose discussed how ashamed she was of her self at a time because of the negative rumors about her.
Another Theme We Discussed was What is sex positivity? & Sex wars by Ann Furgason which discussed about part of human nature and used to develop a understanding of gender,"As a broad ideology and world view, sex positivity is simply the idea that all sex, as long as it is healthy and explicitly consensual. Amber Rose talked alot about what it means to have sex with another person and the whole notion of consent.
Have you ever been called a name that stuck with you throughout High School? What was it?
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Cinderella Ate My Daughther By Orenstein
"The “princess phase.” So inevitable
is this period in the maturation of girls today that it should qualify as an
official developmental stage," Which Is What Orenstein covers in her
article She talks about how "princess" is a image for children for 1
to 6 years old. One thing that caught my eye was there are now more than 26,000
Disney Princess items on the market; in 2009, Princess products generated sales
of $4 billion they, young girls look as them as models feeling an increasing
need to be “perfect”, imitate the role as "princess". Not only for
the looks, to excel academically, but also in extracurricular activities,
sports, and friendships. Orenstein points out the survive casualties women
suffer trying to become something that's almost impossible to become.
I feel
that women should teach their daughter's the concept of being kind hearted and
a leader as well as their sons. "Cinderella
Ate My Daughter provides a multi-tiered yet accessible meditation
on princess play that draws both from first-hand observation as well as acute study
of history, fairy tales, psychology, and cultural analysis “Peggy Orenstein
visited Disneyland, trolled American Girl Place, and met parents of
beauty-pageant preschoolers tricked out like Vegas showgirls.It's fascinating to watch your daughters develop into young women, to see
their sexuality, intellect and self-awareness grow. It's also scary to
recognize that our influence in their life is waning.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Review sheet
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Racism and Womens Studies By Smith
The article, Racism and Women's studies, Tells the reader that they should take notice in why Racism is a feminist issue. As a African American feminist she has mentioned throughout her time and experiencing racism first hand has she seen that lots have changed. Its interesting when someone from the past compares and explains how much it has changed and me being and African American male from the present tense, or even if I were raised back then when racism was at its prime wouldn't understand the unfair treatment of A.A women. A.A women were looked down upon as women and because they were black. Their was even a point where rational women would decide to avoid getting help from black women for the women's right movement. They were looked down upon by their own sex.
Smith quotes that racism is a feminist issue because," it is a political theory and practice than struggles to free all women: women of color, disabled women, working class, poor, lesbians, old women, as well as, white economically privileged, heterosexual women." Race is stated in the quote and is a feminist issue. Racism should be avoided. It was taught in women's studies and ever since women felt oppression and neglected. Smiths tells the reader that in order for white women and third world women to know each other culturally they must look past racism and take notice of women studies which brings feminist together, that being said more knowledge, experience, culture between the two groups, privileged and third world should be taught to one another. Going against racism is more then being polite. I agree with Smith when she says that white women were patriarchal legacy, raised to have a attitude against and African Americans, not know how to have eye contact and directly converse with an A.A women. To create an environment where you can avoid this is not feeling that your privileged but feeling as a equal.
What do you think about when Smith says white women are raised in a society where their interpersonal toward white women are poorly shown?

What does this picture mean to you? How does it connect to what i'm trying to say?
Monday, October 12, 2015
By Adrienne Rich
tries to tell the reader a lesbian doesn’t except the orientation where they
attract the man. I don’t believe this is
true. If you look at today any one is attracted to anyone. It’s about physical
attraction and personality. Movies Like the Cinderella story where the women romantically
falls for the prince in and romantic setting where she has no other option in
choosing just a regular guy are just fairy tales and aren’t what women are
perceived as. Rich’s purpose was to motivate new kinds of feminist criticism
because of the space between lesbian and feminist. Rich wants all feminist to analyze
their heterocentricity.
What are your opinions on lesbians in the society? What Innate Orientation do you think they have?
In your eyes do what are your opinions on this article
Adrienne Rich Activist
Sunday, October 4, 2015
People like us

I Always found it interesting how society is broken down into classes. This effects how people are looked at, treated, and especially how their lifestyles are. Nicholas Krisoff talks about how America has the assumption to being "The land of the free", but not so free. America was Always looked at as an escape for a new life a place where freedom existed, where you can have birth to children in the U.S creating a citizen giving your child as much freedom as everyone else. This would only be considered a joke to have your own rights in third world countries. But coming to America you question is it all what it actually seems to be. According to Krisoff, once you're born into the poor social class, you will remain there forever. Or skyrocket to the top. But those are rare instances. What I found it interesting about the video was the beginning how people are looked at an placed in a category of social class. Which is crazy because your expected to portray and is expected to act and dress because of your class. A good example of this was A man named Charles was born into a wealthy, pleasant family of surgeons. He was expected to go int the medical field but instead he went to Louisiana to work on a shrimp boat. He was then disowned from his family completely because he took this way of life instead of the one his parents wanted for him.
You come to America to be looked at as an equal to be free to do as you please. But Their are blockades. Jobs are beginning to be harder to find, not everyone is able to find some jobs. Because now a days its all about popularity, wealth, and who you know. Middle class people is the standard class and even then i still feel today if you arnt part of the upper class your looked down on.
This video is interesting watch how the tables have turned when the poor gives to the rich .

How do income, family background, education, attitudes, aspirations and even appearance mark someone as a member of a particular social class?
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Generation M: Misogyny in Media and Culture by Dr. Thomas Keith
In the article Dr. Thomas Keith shows the viewer that as of today media shows sexism ,"prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex", as a trend around the world using stereotypes that doesn't really describe the gender role. For example if you sat down and watched TV you scanned through the channels and seen a music video and or seen your football and the cheer leaders are skinny,thin, less cloths as usual. What this causes is some women who don't carry those traits to have self-doubt or feel some sort of jealously to become what they are. They do this by getting surgery to imitate what they see and better their flaws. The show "Bad girls club", is a good example the girls live in a "pink" , house where they all where lots of designer clothing and make-up. The girls dance provocatively in clubs. Women spend lots of money trying to portray that "perfect" image. The movie shows that today's females artist show a message to teenage girls. It shows them many images of what they could look like. They look at female artist as powerful. Another thing i found interesting and didn't know was "Dove "soap promotes natural beauty and expresses how women shouldn't wear make-up to show how beautiful you are. Dove sponsors "Axe", where they show women wearing tons of make up being all "sexy" just because you wear a nice smell.
One part of the film that caught my eye in the film and that stood out to me was when Palmer a famous plastic surgeon was being interviewed about cosmetic surgery and who he thinks influences women do it and he said "... it's not guys but fashion ... it's not attractive to men". I agree with this statement because I believe its what other females want that they don't have. Women are in competition with how they look because they try to imitate social media and their over exaggerated composure and make-up. Another thing that they said in the movie is That " women are taught to show a submissive role in the industry while the man shows dominance and portrays many images as a sex appeal". "Are you selling music or are you selling sex". We watch TV today and the music
videos but we seem to notice that looks are more important then the actual music.
Do You think People agree on the roles women play on social media that being the reasoning for the high volume of series being premiered on multiple channels?
Do You agree on what Thomas Keith is trying to show the reader ?
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Oppression By Marilyn Frye
Free At Last
This Picture Right here caught my eye because it shows a women breaking free from oppression (handcuffs). Shows how relief she is to be able to free her arms. Women felt as men had then in cuffs, Holding them back from more goals and equality. The Picture also signifies unity between both sexes.

This Picture was interesting and related to the article about women's oppression. It shows how women are jailed.
This article is interesting. Partly for me saying that is because I could agree that you don't need oppression to prove limitations and sufferings. By either way she states that women are oppressed as women, but men are not oppressed as men. Meaning as stated in the article women oppression is lead when women have restrictions. One of the restrictions that oppress women is that women have limitation which effect their freedom, them going out at night resulting in staying less hours at work. (Frye 85). Women suffer harms as a result of their restrictions; they lose personal freedom and have less economic freedom.
Women face limitations which,
on-balance, are harmful to them; they are inflicted by social constructions and
anticipations, and even within the decree
Overall i thought it was a good article because it pointed out the true aspects of womens oppression. Women who arnt knowledgeable of what they do and what holds them back need to realized it's the stereotypes which are oppressing you from true success.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
"The F-Word: Feminism in Jeopardy"
By: Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner
Reading this it didn't come as much as a surprise that many aren't knowledgeable about feminist. She made sure that the reader knew exactly what happened and how important it really was. In fact I'm taking a class on Gender taught by professor Endress. She states before she tells us what were going to discuss about in the class that many people especially men in particular aren't aware of the history of women and the different kinds of feminist. Knowing this you can already assume that classes are barely taught about feminism and although women are free to vote and have equal rights many are still sexiest and still treat women unequally. This could be because a lot aren't aware of women history and the strength and patience.
For those who don't know this movie is based on a true story and many wasn't aware of the torture women went through. The women who protested and risked their lives for the cause had to be recognized, thus the movie being made. Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner made it clear that all aspects of the feminist movement should be noticed because not to many women even know their own history.
About Me
Hello my fellow classmates. My name is Stevens Descades, yes with the extra "s" at the end. I guess my mom wanted me to be unique. But moving on from my name Im 21 years old and I major in communication and minor in business. For work and as a hobby I like to fix up cars and motorcycles on my free time. My uncle owns a shop so i lend a helping hand from time to time. the picture above can tell you where im originally from and attended high school at. My school was pretty big it had over 5,000 kids and my graduating class was 900+, honestly their were so many kids i forgot how much exactly graduated. Well on the other hand I chose this class because I want to know more about Gender because i have this class that is required for my major and its just as similar to this one so i hope to learn great knowledge on this topic.
"Fear of Feminism: Why Young Women Get the Willies"

By Lisa Maria Hogeland
The author, Lisa Maria Hogeland, explains to the reader that young women today have been affected by feminism. Ever since the women suffrage theirs been unequal treatment between men and women. This created a movement where women would rebel to receive their rights and equality. Hogeland tells the reader from by her words women hide the movement within them meaning they are afraid to reveal their true colors. From liberal to radical, even Marxist feminism still exist today. They are afraid they will be judged and called names for being "un lady like" and also because they see as if society still looks at man as predominant where they have more say and rights.Her purpose for this article is to promote and instill feminism into women but to also tell the younger generation that the movement of feminism is for a great cause to pave the way for equality in the future .
Lisa Maria Hogeland sends a message to younger females that you shouldn't be embarrassed in taking the dominant role, which makes a female feel she is the cause of short term relationship. They also feel as being a feminist creates a mindset where they feel the effects of homophobia. In life you see it every day people afraid to come out of their shells and show their true colors. What she shows is that theirs no label for having a conservative view.
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