The article, Racism and Women's studies, Tells the reader that they should take notice in why Racism is a feminist issue. As a African American feminist she has mentioned throughout her time and experiencing racism first hand has she seen that lots have changed. Its interesting when someone from the past compares and explains how much it has changed and me being and African American male from the present tense, or even if I were raised back then when racism was at its prime wouldn't understand the unfair treatment of A.A women. A.A women were looked down upon as women and because they were black. Their was even a point where rational women would decide to avoid getting help from black women for the women's right movement. They were looked down upon by their own sex.
Smith quotes that racism is a feminist issue because," it is a political theory and practice than struggles to free all women: women of color, disabled women, working class, poor, lesbians, old women, as well as, white economically privileged, heterosexual women." Race is stated in the quote and is a feminist issue. Racism should be avoided. It was taught in women's studies and ever since women felt oppression and neglected. Smiths tells the reader that in order for white women and third world women to know each other culturally they must look past racism and take notice of women studies which brings feminist together, that being said more knowledge, experience, culture between the two groups, privileged and third world should be taught to one another. Going against racism is more then being polite. I agree with Smith when she says that white women were patriarchal legacy, raised to have a attitude against and African Americans, not know how to have eye contact and directly converse with an A.A women. To create an environment where you can avoid this is not feeling that your privileged but feeling as a equal.
What do you think about when Smith says white women are raised in a society where their interpersonal toward white women are poorly shown?

What does this picture mean to you? How does it connect to what i'm trying to say?
A lot folk in our society are brought up not knowing or having interaction with people of races and cultures different than their own. I think it will take some time and a lot of willingness and attractiveness for cultures to mix.