In the article, Rich tries to explain
how men and women are both viewed in society and on a nurturing level. She tries
to explain that women are viewed more in society as caregivers and as loving
women that don't claim the characteristic as of a man. She states that men,
“Biologically have only one innate orientation--a sexual one that draws them to
women---while women have two innate orientations. sexual toward men and
reproductive toward their young." This quote states that men are dominant
and looked at as the breadwinner, or "the king". Women look up
to men and try to attract them. Rich tries to say women attract men sexually,
but attract their children with nurture. When Rich mentions
heterosexuality, he means Compulsory heterosexuality to the idea that the
only normal sexual relationship between two people is that between a man and a
woman. It also pertains to the thought that individuals regardless of their
natural sexual orientation can adopt heterosexuality. For example, a woman who
comes out as a lesbian is rejecting the compulsion to be heterosexual.

tries to tell the reader a lesbian doesn’t except the orientation where they
attract the man. I don’t believe this is
true. If you look at today any one is attracted to anyone. It’s about physical
attraction and personality. Movies Like the Cinderella story where the women romantically
falls for the prince in and romantic setting where she has no other option in
choosing just a regular guy are just fairy tales and aren’t what women are
perceived as. Rich’s purpose was to motivate new kinds of feminist criticism
because of the space between lesbian and feminist. Rich wants all feminist to analyze
their heterocentricity.
What are your opinions on lesbians in the society? What Innate Orientation do you think they have?
In your eyes do what are your opinions on this article
Adrienne Rich Activist
I agree with you that not everyone is attracted to the opposite sex, & Rich is a girl :)